Today, is the 15th day of August in the Chinese calendar, and is also Mid-Autumn Festival. I believe that the Mid-Autumn Festival is not all about the celebrations, but there are things about it, that has much Science involved.
To start of, I would be discussing on the patterns of the Moon. One common idea about the Mid-Autumn Festival, is that people come together to appreciate the Full Moon. Generally, the Moon follows around a 28 day cycle. The cycle is like this.
New Moon -> Waxing Crescent -> First Quarter -> Waxing Gibbous -> Full Moon -> Waning Gibbous -> Third Quarter -> Waning Crescent -> New Moon
The New Moon is on the 0th and 28th day of the cycle and the Full Moon is around the 14th to 16th day of the cycle. Since the Chinese calendar is a lunar one, on the 15th of every Chinese month, the Moon will be at its Full Moon stage. I find this a very interesting occasion. Every month, the Moon revolves around the Earth at the exact same route, to enable this phenomenon to be possible. This is a simple beauty of nature, and we should learn to appreciate it.
Mid-Autumn Festival does not just mark a date for the Chinese to celebrate, but also a period for the Chinese to prepare for the next season, the Winter. The four seasons is another amazing phenomenon that happens because of Nature. The four seasons is possible because of the Earth's axial tilt at 23.4°. During the period from May to July, the Northern Hemisphere would be the side facing more of the Sun, thus having longer hours of sunlight, and thus undergo Summer. While on the other hand, the Southern Hemisphere would be the side facing less of the Sun, thus having shorter hours of sunlight, and thus undergoes Winter. These phenomenons would swoop during the period from November to January, with the Northern Hemisphere having Winter and the Southern Hemisphere having Summer.
I find this another very interesting beauty of nature. These four seasons come and go automatically, and is all controlled by nature. In my opinion, nature is a beauty in itself. The Earth is tilted at 23.4°, the Moon revolves around the Earth in exactly 28 days; all these were not controlled by Man, and yet produce such amazing outcomes.
In conclusion, I believe that nature's beauty cannot be seen on the outside. It is up to us to explore nature and discover the beauty in it, and feel it deep with our hearts.
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